2023年 教室業績年次一覧へ
- 英 文 -
Yamaoto T, Schindler E
Ideal endotracheal intubation depth at the vocal-cord level to avoid single-lung intubation using the percentage ratio of the tracheal length to body height
Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther 55(1):32-7, 2023
Online publish 2023 Feb 27
Nakamura Y, Kurabe M, Matsumoto M, Sato T, Myashita S, Hoshina K, Kamiya Y, Tainaka K, Matsuzawa H, Ohno N, Ueno M
Cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neuron tracing reveals structural and functional connectivity for locomotion in the mouse spinal cord
Elife 12:e83108, 2023 (Feb 21)
Yamamoto T, Schindler E
Regional anesthesia as part of enhanced recovery strategies in pediatric cardiac surgery
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 36(3):324-33,2023
Epub 2023 Mar 13
Watanabe T, Mera H, Seino Y
Identifying nerve to vastus medialis at adductor canal entry
J Anesth 37(5):813-4,2023 (Oct)
Epub 2023 Jun 26
- 和 文 -
(A case of severe generalized tetanus rehabilitated with dexmedetomidine)
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 43(3):193-7, 2023 (6月23日)
LiSA 30(7):741-3, 2023 (7月1日)
講座 誘発電位から考える脊髄に対する麻酔薬の作用
(Action of anesthetic agents on spinal cord: an electro-physiological study using evoked otentials -Seminar-)
臨床麻酔 47(11):1226-31, 2023 (11月20日)
誌上抄読会 心臓血管手術時の予防投与薬剤:ステロイド、抗菌薬
(Prophylactic drugs during cardiovascular surgry: steroids, antibiotics -Journal Club-)
臨床麻酔 47(11):1225-61, 2023 (11月20日)