2021年 教室業績年次一覧へ
- 英 文 -
Deguchi H, Furutani K, Mitsuma Y, Kamiya Y, Baba H
Low-dose droperidol suppresses transcranial electrical motor-evoked potential amplitude: a retrospective study
J Clin Monit Comput 35(1):175-81, 2021 (Feb)
Yamamoto T, Mitsuma Y, Schindler E
Precautions with right supraclavicular approach and oximetry central venous catheter
Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther 53(1):184-6, 2021 (Mar)
Yamamoto T, Matsuda K, Shiraishi S, Schindler E
Precaution: Oximetry central venous catheter shaft is no longer waterproof when cut
Anaesthesio Intensive Ther 53(3):271-3, 2021 (Mar)
Yamamoto T, Arai Y, Schindler E
A real-time ultrasound-guided supraclavicular approach to the brachiocephalic vein to prevent Hickman catheter bending and occlusion
Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther 53(3):274-6, 2021
Yamamoto T, Kurabe M, Kamiya Y
Re-sleeping after reversal of remimazolam by flumazenil
J Anesth 35(2):322, 2021 (Apr)
Furutani K, Tobita T, Ishii H, Deguchi H, Mitsuma Y, Kamiya Y, Baba H
Epidural administration of ropivacaine reduces the amplitude of transcranial electrical motor-evoked potentials: A double-blind, randomized, controlled trial
Anesth Analg 132(4):1092-100, 2021 (Apr 1)
Yamamoto T, Kurabe M, Kamiya Y
A mechanism of re-sedation caused by remimazolam
J Anesth 35(3):467-8, 2021 (Jun)
Deguchi H, Furutani K, Mitsuma Y, Kamiya Y, Baba H
Propofol reduces the amplitude of transcranial electrical motor-evoked potential without affecting spinal motor neurons: a prospective, single-arm, interventional study
J Anesth 35(3):434-41, 2021 (Jun)
Sasaki M, Kamiya Y, Bamba K, Onishi T, Matsuda K, Kohno T, Kurabe M, Furutani K, Yanagimura H
Serotonin plays a key role in the development of opioid-induced hyperalgesia in mice
J Pain 22(6):715-29, 2021 (Jun)
Kohashi Y, Yamamoto T, Yuza M, Nishimaki H
Paradoxical platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome induced by patent foramen ovale and highly tortuous descending thoracic aorta: a case report
A&A Pract 15(7):e01493, 2021 (Jun 24)
Yamamoto T, Mishima T, Shiraishi S, Saito T, Schindler E
Ensure an “Ultrasound Window” on the patient’s neck to evaluate cerebral blood flow!
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Jun 15, 2021 (July)
Furutani K, Deguchi H, Matsuhashi M, Mituma Y, Kamiya Y, Baba H
A bolus dose of Ketamine reduces the amplitude of the transcranial electrical motor-evoked potential: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 33(3):230-8, 2021 (July)
Abe T, Fujiwara T, Kmiya Y
Distance of catheter tip dislocation in continuous interscalene brachial plexus block
Korean J Anesthesiol Published on line July 5, 2021 (July 5)
Watanabe Y, Tamura T, Imai R, Maruyama K, Iisuka M, Ohashi S, Yamaguchi S, Watanab T
High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy was effective for dysphagia associated with respiratory muscle paralysis due to cervical spinal cord injury: a case report
Medicine (Baltimore) 100(32):e26907, 2021 (Aug 13)
Mitsuma Y, Furutani K, Deguchi H, Kamiya Y, Tanaka T, Kitamura N, Baba H
Low-dose droperidol reduces the amplitude of transcranial electrical mo-tor-evoked potential: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol (Aug 19), 2021
Tanaka M, Tanaka Y, Takamatsu M, Shibue C, Imao Y, Ando T, Baba H, Kamiya Y
Effect of the Kampo medicine Yokukansan for perioperative anxiety and postoperative pain in women undergoing breast surgery: a randomized, controlled trial
PLoS One 16(11):e0260524, 2021 (Nov 24)
Nagata I, Sasaki M, Miyazaki T, Saeki K, Ogawa K, Kamiya Y
Subanesthetic dose of propofol activates the reward system in rats
Anesth Analg (Dec 24, 2021)
- 和 文 -
文献抄訳 (Effects of sevoflurane and desflurane on the nociceptive responses of substantea gelatinosa neurons in the rat spinal cord dorsal horn: An in vivo patch-clamp analysis: Inada Y, Funai Y, Yamasaki H, et al: Mol Pain 16:1-14, 2020)
ペインクリニック 42(5):669, 2021 (5月)
特集 再訪:麻酔メカニズム
(Analgesic mechanisms of general anesthetics in the spinal cord)
麻酔 70(7):732-8, 2021 (7月)
- 著 書 -
第III章 覚醒・抜管が問題となる場面におけるストラテジー
5 腹腔鏡下鼠径ヘルニア手術 Case Scenorio/覚醒のポイント
A 麻酔計画と術中の麻酔管理
B 循環管理
C 深麻酔下抜管し、SGAに入れ替わる場合における覚醒と抜管のストラテジー
D SGAに入れ替えない場合における覚醒と抜管のストラテジー
E まとめ
麻酔からの美しい覚醒と抜管、(新山幸俊:編集)、克誠堂出版、東京、pp111-6、2021 (5月10日)