2020年 教室業績年次一覧へ
- 英 文 -
Yamamoto T, Schindler E
Tips and tricks: Real-time Ultrasound-guided left supraclavicular approach as a rapidly applied alternative venous access in paediatric difficult peripheral vein cases
Eur J Anaesthesiol 37(2):152-4, 2020 (Feb)
Yamamoto T, Schindler E
Self-BURP maneuver in laryngoscopy in paediatric patients
Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther 52(1):74-5, 2020
Yamamoto T, Kurabe M, Matsumoto K, Sugai S, Baba H
Congenital tracheal aplasia without prenatal diagnosis masked by maternal obesity and gestational diabetes: a case report
A&A Practice 14(6):e01200, 2020 (Apr)
Haba M, Sukenaga C, Ueki R, Furutani K, Komasawa N
Augmented reality hybrid simulation using monitor and simulated patient for sedation training
J Clin Anesth 61:109636, 2020 (May)
Watanabe T, Moriya K, Baba H
Quadratus lumborum block type 2 for pedicle groin flap analgesia: a case report
JA Clin Rep 6(1):36, 2020 (May 17)
Yamamoto T, Arai Y, Schindler E
Real-time ultrasound-guided supraclavicular technique as a possible al-ternative approach for Hickman catheter implantation
J Pediatr Surg 55(6):1157-61, 2020 (Jun)
Soma H, Furutani K, Hibino A, Hibino A, Baba H
Downfolding of the epiglottis into the laryngeal inlet after tracheal in-tubation using the McGRATHTM MAC videolaryngoscope: a case report
JA Clin Rep 6(1):42, 2020 (Jun 5)
Santos GGD, Jimenez-Andrade JM, Woller SA, Muñoz-Islas E, Ramirez-Rosas MB, Ohashi N, Catroli FG, Fujita Y, Yaksh TL, Corr M
The neuropathic phenotype of the K/BxN transgenic mouse with spontaneous arthritis: pain, nerve sprouting and joint remodeling
Sci Rep 10(1):15596, 2020 (Sep 23)
Yamamoto T, Saito T, Shiraishi S, Asfour B, Hraska V, Schindler E
Novel choices of cannula for blood delibery via femoral atery in pediatric patiens
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2020 Sep 30
Online ahead of print
Imai H, Seino Y, Baba H
Efficacy of a novel urinary catheter for men with a local anesthetic injection port for catheter-related bladder discomfort: a randomized controlled study
J Anesth 34:688-93, 2020 (Oct)
Online Published 2020 Jun 4
Furutani K, Watanabe T, Matsuda K, KamyaY, Baba H
SUZYTM forceps facilitate nasogastric tube insertion under McGRATHTM MAC videolaryngoscopic guidance: a randomized, controlled trial
Medicine (Baltimore) 99(41):e22545, 2020 (Oct 9)
Ohashi N, Kohno T
Analgesic effect of acetaminophen: A review of known and novel mechanisms of action
Front Pharmacol 11:580289, 2020 (Nov 30)
Yamamoto T, Seino Y, Matsuda K, Imai H, Bamba K, Sugimoto A, Shiraishi S, Schnder E
Preoperative implementation of transverse thoracic muscle plane block and rectus sheath block combination for pediatric cardiac surgery
J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 34(12):3367-72, 2020 (Dec)
- 邦 文 -
2 周術期禁煙ガイドライン
6 術前絶飲食ガイドライン
OPE Nursig 35(2):81, 88, 2020(1月20日)
(A case of ulnar neuritis with persistent elbow pain for nine years)
日本ペインクリニック学会誌 27(1):87-90, 2020 (2月25日)
症例カンファレンス Osler病患者の下肢デブリドマン
LiSA 27(6):583-5, 2020 (6月1日)
レジデントノート 22(6):1087-94, 2020 (6月1日)
(Ideal depth of tracheal intubation in pediatric patients using the distance between voal cords and tracheal bifurcation)
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 40(4):343-8, 2020 (7月15日)
(Intraoperative ventilatory failures due to tearing off an inflating tube for the tracheal tube cuff during spinal surgery: Case series)
臨床麻酔 44(8):1124-6, 2020 (8月20日)
(Pediatric central venous catheter insertion: introduction of a real-taime ultrasound-guided supraclavicular approach)
日本小児麻酔学会誌 26(1):73-81, 2020 (10月26日)
- 著 書 -
12章 鎮静
日めくり麻酔科エビデンスアップデート3 〜1日1つ、3ヶ月で100の知見を得る〜、(新山幸俊:編集)、克誠堂(株)、東京、pp134-43、2020 (5月1日)
III 鎮静時使用薬剤と各部署での鎮痛管理の実践
7 処置時鎮静における局所麻酔薬の意義と注意点を理解する
8 鎮静処置後の薬物胴体を理解する
9 歯科沈静を実践する
10 消化器内視鏡鎮静を実践する
非麻酔科医のための鎮静医療安全 臨床現場に活かす!〜ガイドラインから多職種での訓練まで、(羽場政法:観衆、駒澤伸安:編集)、日本医事新報、東京、pp82-103、2020 (7月13日)